As you prepare to take the next step in your education, it’s important to have all your bases covered. We gathered some invaluable insight from two experts in college admissions, including Amy Gade, director of admission at Wayne State College, and Haley Mattison, assistant director of recruitment at Northeast Community College. Our livestream interview with the duo will help you confidently navigate these final steps. Here are some of the highlights.
Essential Documents
First and foremost, let’s talk about paperwork. Amy emphasizes the importance of having all your college-related documents in order, including scholarship and housing applications, and submitting the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Additionally, be sure to have official transcripts from your high school, official ACT or SAT scores, and any dual credit class transcripts sent to your college.
Financial Aid
Financial aid is a hot topic, especially with the delays and technical issues with the updated FAFSA. Haley advises seniors not to procrastinate about anything related to financial aid. This might include completing verification documents and accepting your financial aid offer. Attend new student orientation sessions to ensure you complete all necessary forms and understand your financial aid package.
Housing and Meal Plans
Choosing the right housing and meal plan can significantly impact your college experience. Amy suggests considering factors like room size, location on campus, and cost when selecting your residence hall. Similarly, consider your eating habits and preferences when choosing a meal plan. Are you a breakfast enthusiast or more of a grab-and-go type? Understanding your needs will help you make informed decisions.
Health and Medical Requirements
Be aware of any health or medical requirements before starting college. Haley highlights the importance of immunizations, campus health services, and accommodations for students with disabilities. Start gathering necessary documentation early and communicate with your college’s disability services office if needed. An admission rep at your college can help you determine what health and medical documentation is required.
Orientation and Registration
Attending new student orientation sessions before starting college is crucial, as Amy can attest from personal experience. Orientation provides valuable information about campus resources, facilities, and academic expectations. It’s also an opportunity to meet fellow students and make connections. Take advantage of these sessions to ease the transition to college life.
Course Selection and Registration
Navigating course selection and registration can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Haley assures students that advisors are there to help. Whether you’re planning to transfer to a four-year institution or enter the workforce after college, advisors can assist you in choosing the right courses and creating a path to success.
Placement Exams
Some colleges may require placement exams, but not all; Amy explains that Wayne State College primarily uses ACT or SAT scores for math placement. However, if your placement doesn’t accurately reflect your abilities, you can request a placement exam through the math department.
Campus Resources and Support Services
Discovering campus resources and support services is essential for success. Haley suggests exploring your college’s website, attending campus tours, and participating in new student orientation. These experiences will familiarize you with available resources and help you build connections within the campus community.
Preparing Mentally and Emotionally
Finally, as you embark on this new chapter, you must prepare mentally and emotionally. Amy and Haley emphasize the importance of time management, self-advocacy, and campus involvement. Seek support when needed, set boundaries with family, and keep your goals in mind to stay motivated.
The final steps to college may seem overwhelming, but with careful planning and the right resources, you can navigate this transition successfully. Remember to stay organized, ask questions, and embrace the opportunities that await you! Your college journey is about to begin, and it’s filled with endless possibilities.
By Jeannine Phelan