EducationQuest Foundation is a nonprofit with a mission to improve access to higher education in Nebraska.
We provide free college planning services, need-based scholarship programs, college access grants for high schools, college access resources for middle schools, and outreach services for community agencies.
We have locations in Omaha, Lincoln, Kearney, and Scottsbluff.
Our History
EducationQuest has provided free college planning services since 1986. Before 1998, we served Nebraska families through what was known as Educational Planning Centers.
In 1998, EducationQuest Foundation was created when the Nebraska Higher Education Loan Program (NEBHELP) converted from a nonprofit secondary market for student loans to a for-profit corporation providing similar services. EducationQuest used the loan portfolio sale proceeds to create a permanent endowment. It is through this endowment that we fund our free programs and services.
Leadership Bios and Photos
Liz S. Koop, President & CEO: bio | photo
Daphne Hall, Senior Vice President, College Access Programs: bio | photo
Jodi Benjamin, Chief Financial Officer: bio | photo
Eric Drumheller, Vice President, Grants & Scholarships: bio | photo
Regan Anson, Vice President, Communications: bio | photo
Board of Directors
Craig Ames (Chair), Retired President & Chief Operating Officer, Bryan Medical Center
Liz S. Koop, President & CEO, EducationQuest Foundation
Wendy Boyer, Executive Director, Peter Kiewit Foundation
Debbie Cooper, Client Business Executive, CO-OP Financial Services
Michael Green, President & Chief Investment Officer, EverGreen Capital Management
Kelly Leeper, Vice President, Family Office Services, Bridges Trust
Tom Smith, Vice Chairman, Individual Investor Group, D.A. Davidson
Jennifer Strand, President, Nebraska Title Company
Planned Giving Program
Our Legacy Society recognizes the generosity of friends who leave a planned gift for future Nebraskans seeking college access. Your gift will help EducationQuest fund free college planning services, need-based scholarship programs, and college access grants for high schools.
A charitable bequest or trust distribution is generally deductible for federal estate and Nebraska inheritance tax purposes when the charitable transfer is made. Consult with your tax advisor for details.
Your planned gift could be in the form of a:
- Bequest
- Appreciated Security
- Charitable Beneficiary of your Life Insurance
- Charitable Beneficiary of your Retirement Plan/IRA
A planned gift does not affect your lifestyle today. A few simple sentences in your will or estate plan is all it takes. You may designate your gift as unrestricted or for a specific program such as Scholarships, College Planning, or College Access.
Click here for details on donating, and use this Bequest Intention Form.