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Crafting the perfect college application. Male student working on laptop.

Applying for college can be both exciting and overwhelming, but with preparation, you can present your best self to the schools on your list. Use this step-by-step guide to boost your confidence and create excellent college applications.

Get Organized

Gather all the items needed for the typical admissions application, including your high school transcript, ACT/SAT scores, a personal statement, and a list of your activities and awards.

While some colleges are now ACT/SAT-optional, you can still submit your scores as they are often used when awarding scholarships. If you plan to retake the ACT/SAT again this fall, weigh your options of submitting your application now or waiting until you get the updated scores. Some colleges allow you to send updated scores as they become available.

Apply Early

Submit your college applications in the fall of your senior year, but strive to complete them by November 1. Applying early indicates you are serious about that college, and it can translate to early acceptance letters, allowing you more time to plan.

Some colleges offer Early Decision or Early Action options. Applying for Early Decision is binding, which means committing yourself to that college if accepted. Applying Early Action is not binding and allows you to apply to other colleges.

Craft Your Personal Statement

Colleges want an idea of who you are outside the classroom. Grades and test scores only tell part of your story. This is your chance to make your application stand out. Tell your story, include any challenges you’ve overcome, and highlight your unique qualities.

A strong personal statement should be compelling, genuine, and reflective of your personality. Focus on a central theme, event, or circumstance that has shaped you. Don’t be afraid to let your voice shine through.

Personalize Your Essays

Some colleges require an essay. Most want to know why you have applied to their school, your future aspirations, and how you will contribute to their community. If you are applying to multiple colleges, using the same essay for each college is tempting, but don’t! Let the colleges know you’ve done your homework by including something personal about that school, a unique program offered there, or how the college’s mission aligns with your goals.

When writing your essay, be sure to comply with the word limit and check grammar and spelling before submission. A well-crafted essay can make a big difference in admission and scholarship decisions.

Apply to Several Colleges

It may be tempting to apply only to your dream college, but it’s important to submit applications to a wide range of schools to have options. Be strategic when applying to colleges and consider the academic programs, location, campus size, tuition cost, and the campus vibe.

Try to include safety, target, and reach schools on your list. A safety school is typically close to home, and you can easily meet the admission requirements. If the finances don’t work out at other schools, a safety school allows you to live at home and save on housing costs. Target schools are those where your academic profile aligns closely with the student body. Reach schools are more competitive, but don’t let that deter you from applying. This is your time to explore all your options.

Think Big Picture

Applying to college can seem daunting, but staying organized, applying early, and putting in the work will set you up for success. With careful planning and attention to detail, you can submit applications that showcase the best version of yourself.

By Jeannine Phelan