It’s no secret that we’re all facing some challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Some folks have drastically seen their lives change, while others have had to make some minor adjustments. Education has been one of the hardest-hit industries, and it’s still really a “hope for the best and prepare for the worst” scenario.
For students considering college as your next step, you may be wondering how you can connect with College Reps during this uncertain time. Well, I’ve reached out to many colleges in the state of Nebraska, and most are following the same pattern as they forge ahead. Here are some of the ways that you can get in touch with college representatives.
Attend the Virtual College Fair
College Fairs are a great opportunity for students to interact with college reps from both in and out of state colleges…a “one-stop-shop” if you will. This year’s fair will look a bit different than in the past, as we’re going virtual! We’re very excited to offer extended hours that allow for both students and parents to interact with college reps from across the state, region, and nation. We’re also offering some live presentations on topics that are important to the College selection process. The upcoming Virtual College Fairs, are being held Sept. 27-30. Click here to register.
Take a Campus Tour
We recommend beginning your college visits in the spring of your junior year of high school. For seniors, colleges were closed due to the pandemic this past spring, so high school students weren’t able to physically get on campus and check it out for themselves. Finding the right fit is an important part of the college search process. Now is a great time to contact the college(s) that you are interested in to set up a campus visit. Most colleges are still offering virtual tours for those that are a bit nervous about close contact with others, but in-person visits are also being offered once again! A campus visit is a great way to meet with admission and financial aid reps as well as faculty members and other current students. Click here for a list of helpful questions you might ask while on your visit!
School visits from Admission Reps
Students, do you recall hearing on the school announcements that, “a representative from XYZ college will be here today, to visit with juniors and seniors?” The purpose of college reps setting up school visits is to sit down with potential college students, in a smaller group setting, to let you know what their institution has to offer and to answer any questions that you may have. Depending upon your school’s visitor policy, you may have a representative coming into your school in the near future, or they may be setting up either a one-on-one Zoom meeting, class Zoom meeting and some are even offering evening Zoom meetings (at smaller schools) to allow parents to join in. Check with your school counselor to determine which avenue of communication your school is allowing during this time. Write down the questions you have for each college and meet with the admissions representative to get all of your questions answered.
Now is the time to make a list of the colleges you are interested in and reach out to the admission departments. For seniors, the sooner you contact them and apply for admission, the sooner you will create that line of communication that will keep you informed of scholarship opportunities, deadlines, and other important events specific to that college. Don’t forget to touch base with your high school counselor so they can answer any questions you may have, offer insight, and guide you in the right direction!