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When deciding on a college, it’s critical to find the best fit for you. Here’s how:

Research colleges. Use College Profiles to find schools that meet your criteria and to narrow your college selection. You can filter schools by major, enrollment size, location, and cost. Compare the costs of Nebraska colleges with this chart.

Go online. Review college websites to discover their top academic programs and explore life on campus. You can often schedule campus visits right from their websites.

Get on campus!  Schedule a campus visit at least two weeks in advance. Ask for appointments with an admissions rep, financial aid advisor, and professor in your field of interest. After your tour, walk around campus and ask students what they think about the school. Eat in the cafeteria, check out the dorms, and walk the neighborhood to get a feel for the overall community.

Ask lots of questions. Here are a few to get you started. Find more questions here.

  • What are admission requirements and deadlines?
  • Do you have academic programs that fit my career interests?
  • What is the cost of tuition and fees, housing and food, and books?
  • How do I apply for college-based scholarships?
  • What housing options are available?
  • Are jobs available on campus?
  • What percentage of students graduate?

Take plenty of notes so you can compare schools based on the criteria that matter to you most.