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What to expect your freshman year. Female college student on campus walking with earbuds, cell phone, and books.

What’s college life really like? We got a backstage pass from two University of Nebraska-Lincoln students gearing up for sophomore year! Paige Fritz, a theater major, and Kyleigh Seim, an architecture major, gave us the inside scoop during a recent livestream. Read on for these resident experts’ advice on navigating the first year of college.

Transitioning to College Life

Kyleigh emphasized the importance of attending welcome week events, especially if you don’t know many people. She found that most people were eager to meet new friends, which made the transition smoother.

Roommate Experiences

Paige lived in a dorm suite with her best friend and two other close friends, which made some aspects easier and others more challenging. One positive, due to their existing friendships, is they were comfortable discussing conflicts openly. In contrast, Kyleigh roomed with a stranger who shared her major and came from Texas. She enjoyed the communal dorm experience and eventually formed close bonds with her roommate and floormates.

Workload and Time Management

Kyleigh noted that her college workload involved more projects outside class, particularly in her architecture major. She worked to maintain an 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. schedule, which allowed space for fun evening and weekend activities.

Balancing Free Time

Paige often faced the dilemma of choosing between social activities and academic responsibilities. She learned to weigh her options and make responsible decisions to balance her time effectively.

Coping with Loneliness and Homesickness

Paige, an only child, initially struggled with homesickness. She pushed through by staying at school most weekends and focusing on her new environment, which eventually helped her feel more comfortable and connected.

Staying Active and Healthy

Kyleigh stayed in shape by joining an intramural basketball team and going to the gym with friends. She highlighted the importance of staying active and investing in good walking shoes due to the large campus. Paige decided to ignore the “Freshman 15” concept and focused on staying healthy in her own way.

Unexpected Aspects of College Life

Kyleigh, who was used to having a packed schedule as a high school athlete, had to create her own structure in college. She planned her days every morning to ensure she balanced class, work, meals, and workouts. Both found college professors more approachable and less intimidating than they had anticipated.

Importance of Extracurricular Activities

Kyleigh was very involved in Greek life, club tennis, and an architecture group. These activities provided her with diverse communities and support systems, helping her feel less lonely and more engaged.

Managing Stress and Staying Focused

Both students found freshman year generally stressful, particularly during finals. Kyleigh studied in groups and stuck to her routine, while Paige leaned on her theater ensemble for support, never feeling alone in her academic journey.

Building a Support Network

Paige had a built-in support system with her high school friends and theater department ensemble. Kyleigh found support through her small architecture program, upperclassmen, professors, and dorm community.

Paige and Kyleigh show that diving into all aspects of campus life, managing your time well, and finding a good support system can make a big difference as you navigate freshman year. Their experiences show how getting involved, balancing fun with schoolwork, and leaning on friends can make the transition smoother. So, take their advice to heart, and you’ll be better prepared to tackle the ups and downs of college life!

Click here to watch the full interview.

By Jeannine Phelan

Partially assisted by AI.