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Mastering the work – school – social juggle. Chalkboard image of overlapping circles of work and life and the intersection points to the word balance.

For most students, college can bring a lot of strong emotions – satisfaction with new-found freedom, excitement over new things (people, places, activities), and anxiety over the unknown.  It doesn’t really matter if it’s the first year, or the final year; those feelings still exist.  Here are a few things to help alleviate some of the nervousness associated with college.

Set Boundaries

A lot of students, especially over-achievers, think they must be everything and do everything, all the time.  FOMO is real, folks!  They don’t want to miss out on anything and regret what they didn’t do.  But guess what?  You CAN say no, especially when it comes to mental health and happiness.  For every opportunity that is missed, another one usually presents itself shortly thereafter; it’s up to you to decide what you have time for or spend your energy on.  Learn your limits, be realistic, and don’t put so much pressure on yourself.  Once that happens, it will be easier to get into a groove and simply enjoy the college experience.

Manage Your Time

If you’re okay with filling your plate, then managing your time is essential to your overall well-being.  Use a planner or the “Microsoft To-Do” app to keep things organized, simple, and consistent.  Track assignments/projects, social activities and work shifts every single week.  Create a “time budget”; use percentages and slots of time to devote to certain activities…and give yourself some grace if not all objectives are met every single day.  Important:  Make sure to set aside some time for self-care and self-reflection…take good care of mind and body!

Ask for Help

You should never be afraid to ask for help when necessary.  Most people are in the same boat, just trying to get through the day without getting burned out.  You can discuss your struggles with professors, bosses, and even parents.  Believe it or not, adults DO have some good suggestions every now and again!  If you live on campus, utilize your Resident Advisor who is always available to discuss issues/concerns – they have been there and know what it’s like.

When feeling overwhelmed, there are several things you can do to alleviate some anxiety and worry:

As always, EducationQuest is here to assist with college planning and free resources.

By Lori Caffery