“But mother I don’t want to go to school today. I want to stay at home and bake cookies with you.”–Space Jam. If you haven’t watched this movie, you’re in luck. It’s currently on Netflix, and I bet you have time to watch it! It’s a gem from my childhood and there are so many quotable moments. While social distancing is something uncommon for most of us, don’t worry! I have you covered while you’re stuck in the house. Here’s a list of 20 activities you can do:
1. Clean out your drawers and closets in celebration of spring. Overall, just clean your room (you know it probably needs it).
2. Try new activities you might not have had time for like coloring books, painting, reading, and doing puzzles.
3. Learn life skills such as cooking and baking (learn tips and tricks from your parents).
4. Play board, card, or video games. Y’all know Monopoly could last an entire quarantine.
5. Catch up with friends and family over social media, FaceTime, or Google Hangouts
6. Make a TikTok account and be as creative as you want to be (maybe test out a dance challenge or two).
7. Write letters to those in nursing homes or to those serving overseas.
8. Unplug! Set aside a block of hours during the day where you don’t use social media at all.
9. Take up a new hobby like learning an instrument, crochet, or photography.
10. Exercise to keep your mind and body as sharp as they can be. You’ll feel better and it’s a great way to relieve stress and boredom.
11. Calm your mind and move a little with Yoga with Adriene. My good sis has a lot of yoga videos based on length, flow, and your intentions.
12. My personal favorite, catch some shuteye. What better time to recharge and restore yourself with a full 8 hours of sleep each night.
13. Organize family concerts! Since the majority of concerts have canceled or postponed, gather the family in the living room and rock out to your favorite bands or artists.
14. Of course, complete all your schoolwork and finish the school year strong!
15. Seniors, it’s a great time to finish those college applications.
16. Take ACT practice tests at actstudent.org – there is talk of a home version of the exam for this summer.
17. Juniors, try out virtual college tours as a way to continue to plan for your senior year.
18. Check out our web tools to help you through the college planning and financial aid process.
19. Binge away, my friends. All those countless Netflix series you’ve binged watched in the past were preparing you for this very moment!!! There are a lot of movies/series out there –you could make it funny by adding in stable zombie/outbreak movies–too soon??
20. Finally, keep those hands clean and stay safe! We’re all in this together *cue High School Musical montage*