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Applying for Scholarships: Don’t Stop Now, cartoon image of a person scratching his head and the globe with a graduation cap, Moneybagg, magnifying glass hanging off the side.

Seniors, I hope you are in the middle of completing scholarship applications. Maybe you’ve already applied for big-dollar scholarships and feel like you’ve done enough. However, don’t stop submitting applications. Let’s chat about why you should keep applying for scholarships.

The More You Apply, the More Chances You Have

Let’s keep it simple: The more applications you submit, the more chances you have to win. Even if you feel confident about a big scholarship application, the odds of winning that one may still be slim. However, by applying for a wide variety of scholarships — including smaller ones — you increase your chances of receiving more money for college. Some scholarships may be less competitive or awarded to fewer applicants, meaning your chances could be better.

Small Amounts Add Up

It can be easy to think applying for small-dollar scholarships is not worth the time, but those smaller amounts can add up. A $500 scholarship here and a $1,000 scholarship there can quickly add up to thousands of dollars by the time you graduate.

A big scholarship is great, but you may still have expenses like textbooks, meals, and other living expenses. A mix of large and smaller scholarships can reduce your overall financial burden and help you avoid taking out more loans.

Developing Strong Skills

Applying for scholarships could develop a skill set you need for your future career. It can help you write essays, meet deadlines, and organize materials. These skills can help you when applying for internships, jobs, or professional degree programs. Each scholarship is unique and may need something different from your application. Having this experience now can make applying for future opportunities less intimidating.

There Are Scholarships for Almost Everything

There are many scholarship opportunities if you take the time to look for them. Whether you’re passionate about art, sports, volunteering, or are a first-generation college student, there’s likely a scholarship for you. Check out scholarship resources on our website:

You Have Nothing to Lose

A major plus about scholarships is that you can apply for as many as possible. Scholarships don’t require you to pay any application fees (if they do, do not apply). It is easy to doubt whether it’s worth putting in the effort, but if you don’t, you already know the answer. Pressing submit on the application creates an opportunity for a yes. Even if you don’t win every scholarship, you still gain experience that will serve you well in your future endeavors.

One Step Closer

In the final stretch of your senior year, I encourage you to keep applying for scholarships. The more scholarships you apply for, the more opportunities you’ll create for yourself. Every application is a step closer to securing the financial support you need for college and creating many lessons for your future.

Don’t stop now. Your future self will thank you.

By Alex Jurgens

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