As you prepare to apply to college, make sure you’re on track to complete the high school coursework required for college admission.
Check with your top college choices to learn their requirements, but most colleges are looking for the following core courses.
- English – 4 years of intensive reading and writing.
- Math – 4 years, including Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry – and one additional course that builds on a knowledge of Algebra.
- Social Sciences – 3 years, including American and/or World History; one additional course in History, American Government and/or Geography; and a third course from any social science discipline.
- Natural Sciences – 3 years, including Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Earth Sciences. One course must include a lab.
- World Language – 2 to 4 years of the same language.
If you take dual-credit courses in high school, you could earn college credit at a lower tuition cost. Advanced Placement courses are another option for earning college credit. Ask your counselor if these courses are available at your school and if you qualify for a scholarship to cover dual-credit courses.